Ask and you shall receive…
Seek and you will find…
Knock and the door will open…
Matthew 7:7
Jesus taught his disciples to ask God for their needs and to trust that God WILL provide. As not only his DISCIPLES but his CHILDREN we should ask him.
It is important for us to understand…what we want is not always what we need. If what we want is not in God’s will, then we really don’t want to receive it. God knows what is good for us and is faithful and loving to say “no” to selfish and foolish prayers, no matter how much we want what we’re asking for.
God will always give us good things. Our job is to understand what is GOOD, so that we know what to ask for.
God is a generous Father who delights in his children coming to him and is never angry when they ask for help.
We should continually ASK and SEEK, with confidence that they will receive and FIND.
A.S.K. Your Heavenly Father today….he’s waiting to answer.